To All Billings OBGYN Patients,
Some of you might have heard about the security breech that happened 18 days ago at Change Healthcare. Change Healthcare is part of Optum and owned by UnitedHealth Group. This breech is the most serious incident of its kind leveled against the U.S. health care organization and has affected hospitals and clinics throughout the country. Change Healthcare is a claims clearinghouse and processes 15 billion health care transactions annually and touches 1 in every 3 patient records. Your insurance claims are processed through Change Healthcare and then sent on to your insurance company for review and payment.
Billings OBGYN uses Change Healthcare to process our claims. Since the security breech, we haven’t been able to send out any claims for payment. Because of this, you might experience a delay in your insurance being billed and your balance paid. We would appreciate your patience and understanding as we work with our payors to find a way around this and keep our insurance process flowing.
Rob Harding, MHA, FACHE, CMPE