Gynecology covers a wide variety of services, treatments, and general topics, which is why Billings OB-GYN is committed to providing you with the care and compassion you deserve.
Because being a woman involves new changes and challenges with every stage of life you enter, our priority is to provide you with the knowledge and expertise necessary to help you make the best decisions for you and your body.
Our comprehensive gynecology services and treatments include:
- Family Planning and Contraception
If you aren’t ready to grow your family yet, it’s important to know what your options are. While the only 100% guaranteed method to prevent pregnancy is abstinence, there are a number of other methods available that are highly effective if you are sexually active but not wanting to become pregnant, including condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps and spermicide. These are all barrier methods of contraception. Other forms of contraception, such as birth control pills, the intrauterine device, implants, vaginal rings, and patches are all hormonal methods of contraception. While barrier methods are designed to prevent sperm from entering the uterus, hormonal methods use hormones to regulate or stop ovulation and prevent pregnancy. To determine which form of contraception is right for you, consult with your gynecologist. - Annual Well-Woman Exam
Much like the name suggests, the well-woman exam includes a breast examination, a pelvic examination, and a pap smear, and is recommended once a year in order to ensure good reproductive and general health. - Sterilization
Female sterilization, or tubal occlusion, is a permanent form of birth control. This procedure closes off the fallopian tubes, preventing eggs from traveling to the uterus and keeping sperm from reaching the egg. - Endometrial Ablation for Treatment of heavy periods including in-office Novasure
Novasure endometrial ablation is for premenopausal women with heavy periods due to benign causes who are finished childbearing. The procedure is finished in as little as fifteen minutes, and is designed to remove the uterine lining (the endometrium), which is the part of your body that can cause heavy bleeding. - Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy
At some point in every woman’s life (usually around age 50), the menstrual cycle will naturally stop. This is called menopause. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause, during which the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries will begin to fluctuate. You may begin to experience a change in cycles, heavier or lighter menstrual flow, interrupted sleeping patterns, and hot flashes. Estrogen-only therapy (ET) and estrogen plus progestogen therapy (EPT) can help with these symptoms, though it is important to consult with your gynecologist to determine which type of therapy is right for you. - Gynecologic Surgery – Conventional and Minimally Invasive
There a number of gynecologic surgeries available to help with any problems you may have. Reasons for needing any of these surgeries include chronic pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, fibroids, or gynecologic cancer. Our physicians have experience in these types of procedures and can help you determine your best course of treatment. - Treatments for Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence can range from leaking just a few drops of urine to completely emptying the bladder. Usually, nonsurgical treatment includes lifestyle changes, bladder training, physical therapy, and the use of certain bladder support devices. There are also several surgical procedures available if nonsurgical options don’t alleviate your urinary incontinence. - Treatment of Gynecologic Problems
Gynecologic problems can range from pelvic support problems to ovarian cysts to infertility. Depending on the problem and its severity, treatment can range from simply making lifestyle changes to inpatient surgery. Your physician can help you decide on the treatment that will best alleviate your symptoms while taking into consideration your lifestyle and family-planning needs. - STD Testing and Treatment
It’s important to know that although all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are preceded by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), not all STIs result in the development of STDs. There are a number of STIs including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HPV. Testing is done with either a urine or swab sample, or from a blood test. Some STIs can be treated and cured, while others cannot. Sexually active women younger than 25 and women older than 25 with high risk factors, multiple sex partners, or a sex partner with an STD, should be screened every year. - MonaLisa Touch
After menopause, estrogen levels in the body fall dramatically, resulting in thinning and unhealthy vaginal tissue. This can lead to pain with intercourse and bladder symptoms such as urgency and leakage. The MonaLisa Touch works by delivering gentle laser energy to the vaginal wall tissue. This process stimulates a healing response to generate new collagen, elastin and blood vessel growth, helping return the vagina to its pre-menopausal condition. The total procedure consists of three treatments, each under five minutes and virtually painless. - Infertility Consultation and treatment in association with Seattle Reproductive Medicine
An infertility evaluation includes exams and tests to try and find the reason why you and your partner have not become pregnant. If a cause is found, treatment may be possible. In many cases, infertility can be successfully treated even if no cause is found. Treatment for infertility can include hormone treatments, fertility drugs, and surgery.
Contact us today or call (406) 248-3607 to schedule your appointment.